What is a Smart Home?
A Smart Home uses advanced technology to monitor and reduce energy use in the home.
At VigilTech, we help you connect your home and office to your smart phone so your can control your everyday appliances right from your smart phone from wherever you are – even from across the globe!
Why should I convert my home into a Smart Home?
Have you ever forgotten to turn off you lamps, or worst, your clothes iron after leaving your house? Or have you deliberately leave your lights switched on from early morning just in case you don’t come home till late evening? Or maybe for a whole week because you’re going on vacation! Or have you just knowingly or unknowingly leave lamps in unoccupied rooms switched on because you have forgotten to switch them off and are tired (or lazy) to go back and check?
According to research, the number one cause of energy wastage is the unnecessary usage of everyday home appliances due to reasons mentioned in the previous paragraph. With a Smart Home system, you can literally just
lift a finger to monitor and control your connected household appliances. You can just look at your phone to check whether you have left any appliances switched on and turn them off from wherever you are.
Aside from these, you can also program and schedule your appliances to automatically switch on and off during any time of the day right from your smart phone.
You can easily program and schedule your appliances to automatically switch on and off any time of the day or week right from your smart phone.
Is it secure?
Yes! Each connection will require physically toggling the smart home system and entering your WiFi password to set up. For further safety measures, each appliance can only be “owned” by one account. Only this account owner can share this appliance with others so they too can control the appliance. The others too can monitor, control and schedule the appliance connected to the system but cannot share the appliance with other people.
Will I still be able to use my old switch?
Yes, you can! Our smart system allows a two-way switch where you can use both your old switch and your smart phone to control your appliances. If someone else uses the old switch to turn off a lamp, it will be reflected onto your smart phone and you can turn it back on using your smart phone.
What do I need to turn my home into a Smart Home?
The only thing you need is a working Internet and WiFi. No need to buy and install new appliances or replace your existing appliances with new ones as we can connect just any switches to the Smart Home system! Request for a Quote now to begin your Smart Home journey.